$500.00 USD

3 monthly payments

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Longevity Health Coaching

12 Personal weekly live Sessions with Leia (3 Months)

Creating a comprehensive personal nutritional health coaching program involves addressing various aspects of an individual's health and well-being. Here's a breakdown of what to include:

1. Initial Assessment:

  • Health history: Understand the client's medical history, current health status, and any pre-existing conditions.
  • Goal setting: Collaboratively establish short-term and long-term goals, such as improved energy, or managing specific health conditions.

2. Lifestyle assessment:

  • Explore your daily routine, exercise habits, stress levels, sleep patterns, and dietary preferences.
  • Journaling

3. Behaviour Change Strategies:

  • Habit assessment: Identify current habits that may hinder progress and work together to develop strategies for positive behaviour change.
  • Self Care and making yourself a priority - You matter

4. Stress Management

  • Explore where you are carrying anxiety in the body
  • Stress management: Introduce techniques to manage stress and emotional triggers.

5. Sleep management:

  • exploring your habits and rituals around sleep
  • Qigong for better sleep

6. Five element theory - carrying emotions in the body

  • exploring fear, and where you are carrying this emotion in the body

6. Five element theory - carrying emotions in the body

  • exploring  sorrow and where you are carrying these emotions in the body
  • Cultivating an appreciation practice to bring more JOY into your life

7. Five element theory around carrying emotions in the body

  • exploring anger and resentment and where you are carrying these emotions in the body
  • reassessing the appreciation practice and joy cultivation

7. Five element theory around carrying emotions in the body

  • exploring Grief and where you are carrying these emotions in the body
  • reassessing the appreciation practice and joy cultivation to dilute the sadness

8.  Relationships

  • Exploring the quality of your relationships
  • Myers briggs personality test
  • Love language - how do you love?

9. Tracking and Accountability:

  • Reviewing your Journaling to track your moods
  • Half way Check-in to discuss progress, setbacks, and adjustments to the plan.
  • Goal reassessment: Periodically review and adjust goals as your needs evolve and progress evolve.
  • Address challenges: Help you navigate obstacles and setbacks, providing strategies to overcome them.

10. Support and Motivation:

  • Encouragement: Provide ongoing support, and motivation, and celebrate your successes, no matter how small.

11. Long-Term Sustainability:

  • Gradual changes: Emphasize the importance of sustainable changes over quick fixes or extreme approaches.
  • Skill-building: Empower you with the knowledge and skills needed to make informed choices independently. 

12. Follow-Up and Maintenance:

  • After achieving initial goals, help you transition to a maintenance phase to ensure long-lasting results.

Each coaching program is tailored to the individual's unique needs and circumstances. Flexibility and adaptability are key to helping you achieve your health and nutrition goals effectively.

Contact Leia if you need a monthly payment plan

Once you have signed up Leia will be in touch with you to book your sessions