The Benefits of Stretching 


Do you know how to stretch Do you stretch every day? 

Fuelling your body and mind with energized intentions begins with an action plan. Do you want to get out of the rut you’re in? Body aches? Lack of motivation? Or, maybe you’re not in a rut, but just seek some deeper connection to happiness and self-worth. Well, you’ve come to the right spot.

More importantly, do you yearn to remain full of energy with a sense of confidence, balance, good posture, and improved flexibility?

Aging and Health & Wellness routines are friends and I propose that you cultivate this friendship, free of grudges and ego and learn to STRETCH your body.

Today is the day to feel good again; improve your sense of health, regardless of your age. Fitness and feeling good again have been waiting for you, with the patience of a sunrise peeking over a jagged mountain range. And it started here, with a brief story about stories. This is a story about you.

Your story. Your health. Your desire to feel good again. Your desire to recalibrate your body and shift those aches and pains into balance and improved posture, better memory, a better mindset. Yes, you matter, and there’s a healthful way to go about improving your mind-body-spirit connection. and that is stretching your body every day.

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Stretching Made Easy

Have you been looking for a health and wellness routine that fits your body as aging becomes a known factor? Are you looking for a healer or health practitioner, or someone to counsel you, but you cannot seem to find the right fit? Or maybe your schedule is not in sync with wellness plans offered to the public?

Start building flexibility, balance, coordination and strength by building muscle memory through repetition. Get into a habit of moving the whole body gently and with purpose. Clear the clutter of the mind and support your immune system through this simple exercise regimes.

Regardless of your age, if you're in your fifties or sixties or seventies or eighties, or beyond, you can create a fitness plan that will benefit you and your body.

 When you are beginning or transforming a health regime to better suit you, it’s necessary to believe in yourself. Believe that through the power of habit  you can overcome obstacles. You can, and will, succeed. To do this, you must have faith in yourself, yearn to feel good, and strive to find the motivating elements that keep you on track. 

...and if you are in your forties but really out of shape this program is for you too. It is time to focus on YOU. 

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The Stretching Modules

Standing Stretches

These stretches can be executed in small spaces anywhere on the go. 

On the Mat Stretches

Get on the mat to stretch out your body when you wake or before bed.

In a Chair stretches

Here are the office stretches that you need to break up your work day.

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Stretching exercises to extend your life. 
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