A Course on Dàoism - The Dào Part 04 a course on dàosim

Dào can also be understood as the natural order or the moral laws that guide the universe.

This meaning highlights the idea that there are basic principles that keep...

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A Course on Dàoism - The Dao Part 01 a course on dàosim


There are five parts to Dào. In this email I am going to explain to you the meaning of the first part 'The Way.' Other terms for it are 'The Road...

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A Course on Dàoism - The Dào Part 05


"Dào" can also mean to speak, say, or express.

This refers not only to the act of talking but also to the sharing of names, words, and teachings.

It involves...

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A Course on Dàoism - The Dào Part 03 a course on dàosim

Dào can also mean a method or skill—especially one that leads to success or mastery in a specific area.

There are certain techniques or ways of doing...

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A Course on Dàoism - The Dào Part 02 a course on dàosim

Another part of Dào means truth or principle.

In this sense Dào represents the deep truths that form the foundation of everything in the universe.


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Introduction to Dàoism a course on dàosim

In China reading the Chinese characters gives much imagery and meaning to the words.

The Chinese character for Dào (Tao) is: 


This word can be separated...

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The Yinyang Taiji Philosophy daoism for dummies

In the west, we know a very popular symbol that we call Yin Yang. We say that it represents the balance of opposites like day and night. In fact, in China, they call it one...

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Fit & Flexible: Stretching Exercises to Extend Your Life stretching

As you grow older, you might notice a decrease in flexibility. Ask yourself if you able to bend down like you used and pick something from the floor. You might notice that...

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Harnessing Martial Arts for Enhanced Entrepreneurship: Key Benefits

The journey of entrepreneurship shares striking similarities with the discipline of martial arts. Both demand focus, dedication, and resilience. By applying principles from...

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Exploring the Wisdom of Daoism: Insights from Master Gu's Class daoism for dummies

In the world of spiritual teachings, Daoism stands out for its blend of religion and philosophy, offering deep insights into life and harmony. It draws from the Dao De...

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Yield and Overcome - Chapter 22 - Dao De Jing daoism for dummies

This chapter emphasizes the power of yielding and quietness, contrasting them with aggression and strength. It suggests that by embracing yielding and quietness, one can...

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How the Dao De Jing (Tao Te King) Philosophy Relates to Your Tai Chi Practice

The philosophy of the Dao De Jing has significant connections to the practice of Tai Chi (Taiji).

Tai Chi is a Chinese martial art that originated from the principles of...

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Is Daoism (Taoism) a Religion or a Philosophy? daoism for dummies

The Daoist Religion

You will find Daoism as a religious practice in the temples around China where priests pray to a variety of Gods, following ancestral rituals of worship...

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Chapter 9 - Tao Te King Resume from a Class by Master Gu daoism for dummies

How much is enough? How much wealth, fame, reputation and social status is considered enough? Today we live with so much material abundance and despite all our...

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Why are GMOs so bad for us? seaonal nutrition

When we inhabited the earth in the beginning of time and up until the agricultural revolution we ate pure produce from the earth. We would use natural fertilizers and...

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The Dirty Dozen and the Clean Fifteen seaonal nutrition

Some people decide that they want to eat healthier and then they get discouraged by the price of vegetables and every day they seem to be more expensive. Often they are...

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The Daoist Approach to a Healthy Mind and Body qigong

A regular Qigong practice can prevent and treat illness, reduce stress and establish balance. Qigong is a self-healing art that combines movement and meditation. There are...

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Tai Chi Helps You Manage Your Weight seaonal nutrition

Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese martial art focusing on defense training and meditation. Today, it has cultivated a global following owing to its numerous health benefits,...

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Earthing earthing

Putting your body into direct contact with the earth, removing all barriers from your skin like shoes or clothes allowing it to touch the soil, sand or water helps to...

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Five Tips to Sink the Shoulders in Tai Chi benefits of tai chi

1. Tuck your hips and but don’t lean backwards. Maintain stable footwork. This will bring you lower body stability to relax your upper body and shoulders.

2. Breathe...

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